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My Diamond Ring – Online Shopping Reimagined

Concept, Creative Direction, Design, Illustrations, Technical Strategy, Frontend Development, Backend Development

Ring Shopping Transformed

Schullin is an award-winning jeweler from Vienna, hand-crafting jewelery since 1955.

Whatever your knowledge of jewelry, choosing the right ring for your partner is a uniquely difficult and time-consuming shopping process. What even is diamond clarity? Or a carat for that matter?

Schullin asked us to develop a digital solution to attract the new generation of tech savvy online shoppers on the hunt for a ring.

My Diamond Ring is a brand new and personalized way of ring shopping. It challenges the current status quo by redefining the online shopping experience in the jewelery industry.

One of the challenges was guiding the shoppers to their perfect ring and helping them throughout the entire ring shopping process.

We started by attending a Schullin workshop to learn everything we could about diamond rings, and created a simple 3-step-process that guides the user to his or her perfect ring choice. Additional customizations are possible on the Design Your Ring page too.

We believe the key to a successful online shopping experience is an intuitive UX. Schullin’s My Diamond Ring site now provides as much bespoke customization opportunities as possible to customers, while also utilizing insights from users to get one step ahead, offering personalised options.

Despite the high complexity of the project, wild has succeeded in developing a website that combines both appealing design with a convincing user experience.

Oriane Schullin Founder My Diamond Ring

To give the site its distinct look and feel we commissioned an illustrator to create imagery for the various product ranges, such as ‘Glamorous’, ‘Elegant’, and ‘Minimal’. We also made sure to follow best SEO practices to ensure the site’s maximum organic reach.

From building the brand to creating the online shop we guided My Diamond Ring through entire journey. The final result is a beautiful shop that can help everyone who’s hoping for the words “I Do”.

Design Leads
Matthias Mentasti, Thomas Lichtblau
Tech Leads
Moriz Büsing, Thomas Ragger
Project Managment
Suzana Orsolic
Guillermo Seis
Francis De Clercq, Stefan Göllner